National working table of consultation

National working table of consultation for the definition of guidelines in the field of management of discarded medical equipment


– to involve various national institutions and consortia operating in the field of waste management for the comparison of results, the definition of common procedures and the collection of proposals for simplification or legislative change.

Stakeholders to involve:

• Ministry of Environment and Protection of Land and Sea,
• Ministry of Health,
• CONAI (Chain consortia for the management of packaging and waste),
• WEEE coordination centre,
• National associations of clinical engineers and medical technicians, Universities.
• Universities in the field.

The partners involved in the other actions (A, B1, B2, B3, B7) are in close contact with Legambiente in order to identify on the field operational difficulties, the constrains, the ambiguity of legislation and in general the critical aspects.
Also companies and consortia that have already managed WEEE are contacted.

Time schedule for the organisation of the working table :

By the end of December 2015:

  • 3 meetings with Regione Lombardia (Environmental sector, Health sector, ARPA Lombardia…), Consortia for waste management, Clinical Engineers’ aossociations.
  • 1 report on tools and legal procedures used by the involved stakeholders.

By the end of October 2016:

  • 3 meetings with environmental and health ministry
  • 1 report on the application of sector legislation and eventual discrepancies detetected

By the end of June 2017:

  • 4 meetings with associations and universities in the field
  • 1 final report on the achieved results with a strategy of discard of medical equipment